August 14, 2011

As some of you have probably seen, I posted earlier last week about workflow applications for photography including Lightroom, Aperture and Capture NX. Lately, I found the need for such an application as the amount of photographs needing processing increased. After testing the trial versions of all three, I decided that Lightroom was the best option for me.

During this last trip, I used Lightroom exclusively to import, review and touch-up images. The more time I spent there, the more shortcuts and features I found; one of the best functions to be found was in its selection process. With filters, including flags and ratings, selecting the best images was simplified. In fact, it took me only a few days to process all the images, a task that usually extended through weeks. Although I initially had a qualm regarding Adobe's file handling, Lightroom actually gave me no issues there; I simply avoided altering files outside of the program.

I am excited to post tomorrow and share some photographs!